Unwinding of COVID Chaos_ Anticipated Mass KIID_KID Re-Generation in Mid-2025

Unwinding of COVID Chaos: Anticipated Mass KIID/KID Re-Generation in Mid-2025

The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented volatility to global financial markets, leading to significant fluctuations in UCITS and PRIIPs risk indicators. As we approach 2025, the industry must prepare for a major shift in these metrics, triggering the need for widespread KIID and KID document updates. COVID-19’s Impact on Market Volatility The onset of the global…

I KID you not! FCA to ditch performance scenarios from PRIIPs KIDs

I KID you not! FCA to ditch performance scenarios from PRIIPs KIDs

Of all the new regulations we have seen over the last few years, few have raised as many concerns, or have been as controversial and polarising as the KID requirements under the regulation for Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs).

In an attempt to address many of the concerns raised over the years, the FCA have published a consultation setting out their proposals to change disclosure documents provided to retail investors under the PRIIPs regulation.