I KID you not! FCA to ditch performance scenarios from PRIIPs KIDs

I KID you not! FCA to ditch performance scenarios from PRIIPs KIDs

Of all the new regulations we have seen over the last few years, few have raised as many concerns, or have been as controversial and polarising as the KID requirements under the regulation for Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs).

In an attempt to address many of the concerns raised over the years, the FCA have published a consultation setting out their proposals to change disclosure documents provided to retail investors under the PRIIPs regulation.

SEC Proposed Modernised Shareholder Reports

SEC Proposed Modernised Shareholder Reports

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently proposed significant modifications to the mutual fund and exchange-traded fund disclosure framework. The proposed disclosure framework would feature concise and visually engaging shareholder reports that would highlight information that is particularly important for retail investors to assess and monitor their fund investments.