FCA finalises changes to UK PRIIPs regime
In July 2021, the FCA consulted (in CP21/23) on proposals to address the most serious and persistent concerns regarding the onshored PRIIPs regulation.
In July 2021, the FCA consulted (in CP21/23) on proposals to address the most serious and persistent concerns regarding the onshored PRIIPs regulation.
January started off the new year with several important regulatory developments in the investment funds and asset management industry. The most notable developments include: The proposed amendments to Form PF ESMA launching a Common Supervisory Action on the valuation of UCITS and AIFs across the EU The EU lowering of the reporting threshold for net…
With the publication of the updated European PRIIPs Template (EPT) for consultation, FinDatEx are now in the final stages of revising their European PRIIPs template (EPT) used extensively throughout the industry. EPT 2.0 is now under public consultation until 22 November 2021.
Welcome to the Funds-Axis Regulatory Round Up! This month’s regulatory round-up includes updates from: The FSB on Money Market Fund reform proposals, The Central Bank of Ireland with amendments to the UCITS and AIFMD FAQs, ASIC with guidance on crypto-asset related investment products, The FCA with new rules on the Long-Term Asset Fund (LTAF) regime.
In this month’s round-up, of particular interest, nearly two years after its publication, the EU’s new regulatory framework facilitating the cross-border distribution of collective investment schemes applied from 2nd August. With this we saw several regulators announce the transposition of the new rules.
Of all the new regulations we have seen over the last few years, few have raised as many concerns, or have been as controversial and polarising as the KID requirements under the regulation for Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs).
In an attempt to address many of the concerns raised over the years, the FCA have published a consultation setting out their proposals to change disclosure documents provided to retail investors under the PRIIPs regulation.
February saw a number of developments on a range of areas, including: SFDR; Potential money market fund reforms in the US; The new UK short selling threshold entering into force; The PRIIPs RTS being submitted to the European Commission; and Revisions to the CSSF notification form for NAV calculation errors.
UCITS IV requires UCITS to make an updated KIID available to investors for each sub-fund/standalone fund within 35 business days of 31 December each year. With the deadline fast approaching (19th February 2021) we thought we would take a brief look at some of the key requirements of the UCITS KIID.
All eyes may be on the month ahead as we enter the final countdown for the entering into force of ESMA’s liquidity stress testing guidelines, however, the past month still brought several important developments on topics such as: AIFMD; Money Market Funds; PRIIPs; Liquidity; and Short Selling.
With over 100 developments tracked in the last month on ATLAS Funds Training, unsurprisingly COVID-19 continues to dominate the headlines. This month’s briefing covers the latest developments impacting asset managers, including: PRIIPs back in the spotlight with the EU divided over further reforms, Liquidity risk management, The renewal of short selling bans despite growing scepticism, The French AMF issuing fines, unhappy with the quality of AIFM reporting systems and considering proposals to reduce major shareholding thresholds, and The SEC’s proposed new framework for valuation practices.