Japan’s FEFTA Pre-Notification Requirements FAQs

Japan’s FEFTA Pre-Notification Requirements FAQs

In 2020, Japan tightened foreign investment rules with the amendments to the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (FEFTA). When the amendment entered into force on 7th June 2020, it expanded the scope of foreign investment reviews, lowered the threshold for screening the purchase of listed companies’ shares to acquisitions at 1 percent or more, and introduced a new prior notification exemption scheme for share acquisitions.

Are you complying with the updated guidelines on stress test scenarios under the MMF Regulation?

Are you complying with the updated guidelines on stress test scenarios under the MMF Regulation?

Throughout August you will have seen a number of regulators publishing updated circulars, opinions and notices in relation to the application of the ESMA Guidelines on stress test scenarios under the Money Market Fund Regulation (EU) 2017/1131 (MMFR). Including regulators such as the: MFSA, CMVM, Central Bank of Ireland, FSMA & CSSF.

I KID you not! FCA to ditch performance scenarios from PRIIPs KIDs

I KID you not! FCA to ditch performance scenarios from PRIIPs KIDs

Of all the new regulations we have seen over the last few years, few have raised as many concerns, or have been as controversial and polarising as the KID requirements under the regulation for Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs).

In an attempt to address many of the concerns raised over the years, the FCA have published a consultation setting out their proposals to change disclosure documents provided to retail investors under the PRIIPs regulation.

Liquidity Mismatch – FCA & BoE put forward suggested possible liquidity framework

Liquidity Mismatch – FCA & BoE put forward suggested possible liquidity framework

In 2019, the Bank of England (BoE) and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) launched a joint review into vulnerabilities associated with the liquidity mismatch. The review built on the FPC’s 2015 assessment; the FCA’s 2019 Policy Statement on funds investing in inherently illiquid assets; and the work by the FSB and the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).

Challenges facing ManCos – more regulations, more regulatory change, and more scrutiny than ever before (Part 1)

Challenges facing ManCos – more regulations, more regulatory change, and more scrutiny than ever before (Part 1)

The pressure is rising on the ManCo industry – Management Companies (ManCos) are dealing with more regulations, and more regulatory change than ever before. This constant churning of regulatory change, coupled with increased scrutiny from regulators has led to a complex, pressured regulatory environment. However, this increased scrutiny is not the only challenge facing Mancos!